Ways to Secure Your Home during a Flood
9/21/2022 (Permalink)
Ways to Secure Your Home during a Flood
The last thing you want to worry about when there is a flood in your area is whether or not your home will be safe. Floods can happen anywhere and at any time, so it's important to take precautions beforehand to make sure that you are fully prepared for the worst. That being said, here are some ways you can secure your house during a flood:
Grade your lawn away from the house
If you have a slope in your lawn leading up to the house then this will make it easier for water to enter. Take some time before the flood season begins and grade your yard away from your home so that there is less chance of water collecting around your foundation.
Install window well covers
Floods tend to happen quickly, which means that if there's anything obstructing windows on lower levels (like window wells) - they could prevent people inside the home from getting out safely when needed. To avoid any potential risks or problems, install window well covers that can be removed easily by anyone who needs them during an emergency situation. This way everyone stays safe while waiting for rescue teams arrive!
Create sand bags
Sandbags are great because they can be taken down and put back up again as many times as you need them, which is perfect if there's a flood season that follows multiple storms. When first approaching your home during a flood it might look like the only thing left to do is abandon ship in favor of higher ground - but by creating sand bags around entry points (like doors) you'll greatly reduce the possibility of flooding in the home when things finally start to recede.
Leave space between siding & mulch
In severe cases, flooding can even cause mulch to start decomposing which is a major risk for mold as well as other health problems. In order to avoid these risks, leave about an inch of space around the base of your house so that water has room to flow away from it instead of collecting at its foundation. This will reduce chances of damage and ensure that everyone inside remains safe during a flood!
Block All Entrances and leave no space for the water to come in
Make sure there is no space for the water to collect around your home's foundation or windows and doors. Put anything you can find to block entrances in front of all doorways. It is important that you do not allow any gaps between items as this will encourage flooding into the house when it occurs again. This also includes allowing plenty of room around windows so that they are able to open safely during an emergency situation! If possible - leave at least a foot gap from siding on the side of your house nearest where flood waters are likely to enter (like near garage doors) so that everyone inside has enough time to escape if necessary before water rises too high within the home.
Blanket all windows with plastic sheeting so the water cannot sleep in.
Once you have blocked off entrances, it is important to protect any openings that are left vulnerable by covering them up as much as possible. If there are glass windows on your home - use plastic sheeting or tarps over top of these until the flood waters subside and remove once problem has been averted! High winds can cause this material to fly away during a storm making it even more vital that everyone inside knows how best to secure their house properly before things get out of hand! Make sure all roof vents are securely covered just like other unprotected areas around your home's exterior too if at all possible because anything not protected will be especially susceptible during floods.